It’s been said that those who observe the most usually get the biggest return on their money when it comes to blackjack. However, I believe this is more for the person that heads to their local casino and sits at a blackjack table. Those of us that play blackjack online are handcuffed by playing one hand against the dealer, and you cannot increase your odds by figuring out what has been already been played.
The only way to increase your odds at blackjack is by sticking with the same strategy, as long as it’s a good one. If you just log in and play, chances are you’re either going to get lucky or you’re going to lose big. Instead, I would like you to be the “smart player.”
What is a Smart Player?
When I see players constantly losing at blackjack, one of the biggest reasons for their demise is due to spending too much time on the table in the same room. It’s a known fact that the odds are in the house’s favor, and if you don’t know when to stop, your luck will eventually run out. The first thing I would recommend is setting a time limit. One hour always seems to be the optimal choice for most gamblers, but if you make bigger bets than the table minimum, it’s wise to cut that time in half.
Over the years, I have one my most money in the first hour I play. Everything after that is a roller coaster ride. Try utilizing this strategy alone, but just be sure to take 30 minute breaks in between. Go grab a sandwich, go to the bathroom, or whatever it is you do in your spare time, and remove yourself from the game. This approach will keep your wits at their highest level, and you won’t be suckered in to playing for a longer period of time.
Bet Wisely
Your betting strategy is always a major player in how much you win or lose. If you’re a loose cannon and think this next hand is going to be the big one, but then you lose, your bankroll will diminish much quicker. One of the best money managing strategies is to increase your bets periodically. The first hand might be for $1 and the second might be for $2. I’ve actually tried this small money approach before and it’s extremely beneficial. You get your blackjack fix, there isn’t a lot of money lost if you’re losing, and the bankroll will be thick enough to use another time.
Granted, your bankroll could allow you to play $100 a hand, I don’t know, but you have to come up with a strategy before you start playing. Building it around your finances is a good place to start, especially if you don’t want to put a time limit on yourself.
Stop Thinking about Winning Big
Yes, your mindset has a major effect on the way you bet. If you lose 10 hands in a row, there is a good chance you are thinking; “Well, I’m going to win soon, so I should bet bigger.” NO! There is no guarantee you are going to win; period. The dealer could deal you 50 losing hands in a row (not likely, but it does happen). In fact, if you come across a horrible streak like this, chances are its happening because of your hit/stay strategy (will discuss that another time).
In the end, it’s all about increasing your odds. If just one of these tips can increase them a little, then you are that much closer to a better way of playing blackjack.